Paid Leave Stories
Julie’s Story
I have five children. On Monday, I gave birth to my third child in my first year of teaching. On Wednesday, I supervised juniors setting up Prom and chaperoned Prom on Saturday.
Beth’s Story
When my first was born (in Kansas, 14 years ago) I did not have any paid leave at all and had to go back to work after 5 weeks because I ran out of money. It was brutal.
Other Stories
Over the last 4 years I’ve had 2 babies and 2 major surgeries. All requiring me to take leave. As we only get 10 days of leave paid per year I wiped that all out before even having my babies.
Citizens Bank of Kansas
Continuing a tradition started by my dad, we use the family first philosophy—when you need to be there for family, that has priority.
Conlee Schmidt & Emerson
In 1985 my boss let me bring my baby to work. When I became a supervisor, I let my employees bring their babies to work. The work got done. The babies were happy. The parents were happy.
Share Your Story
Do you have a story about how having access to paid family and medical leave helped you? Or how you were unable to take paid leave when you needed? Tell us your story so that we may share to others why paid leave is important.